Friday, October 22, 2010

Progress That I Have Made

I Have made alot of progresss this year in globaloria.I have had a lot of ups and downs, but I have fixed thoses.I really like globaloria it is fun but somewhat hard.I made progress by learning how to use flash.I used to not be able to use flash but I get it now.I have had a lot of struggles in globaloria but I have made it through them.One of my struggles is buttons I'm still having a little trouble with them but it's ok.I have had a lot of success.One of my success was learing how to draw on flash.I'm so happy I learned how to draw on flash.I look forward to presinting our game.I also can't wait till we get our buttons doen on flash and upload it to our page.

1 comment:

  1. Faith,
    I am glad that you are enjoying the class. Even though it sometimes gets hard, the fun part of it does make a difference! I can understand your concern about buttons- they are always the hardest ones to learn because it's really the first time after the Mini Game unit that you deal with Action Script. However, I know you will get it in no time! Keep up the good work and keep me posted on your progress!
