Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Blog :'(

Well this year has ben a long year, but I am going to misss globaloria. I have over comed a lot of promblems with globaloria this year. I have had promblems with codes and trying to get my partner to help me. I have done the whole game by myslef.  I have tried my best to just look over it,b ut it is last minute and I am trying to do everything by myslef. I hope that they have gobaloria at the high school and that I get a good partner. I feel like Globaloria has helped me a lot hen trying to fix a computer. I have had a lot of good things about this is our game was good and it wasn't all buttons this year. I hope that everyone has a good summer and I will miss globaloria next year.

Friday, May 18, 2012

If we had time left what else would we do to our game (:

Well Today is Friday and we are blogging about if we had time left what would we do to our game. If I had more time I would make my game longer and try to fingure out how to make a search game. I was going to add a search part, but I didn't have enough time. We started working on the search game and it didn't work so I gave up on it. I did my best on on my game this year. If I had time left then I would add a few more graphics also and mae the game work better. We done a lot of graphics, but not a lot. Also, if I had more time I would have done a better win and lose screen. Our win and lose screen don't look the best, but we try our best in the time we had.

Friday, May 11, 2012

WestTest (:

Well today is Friday and we are blogging about the WestTest. I think that I am prepared for WestTest. I think that I will do good on the WestTest. I am used to this test so I won't get nervous. I have done this test for six years. I have done good on the WestTest and I am pretty sure I will do good this year. I will do good because my teachers have taught be well this year. I have had teachers the push me and getme where I need to be. They have taught me all this way and now it's up to me if I want to good on the WestTest.

Friday, April 27, 2012

What we Have Left to do on Our Game :D

Well today is Friday and we are blogging about what we have left to do in our game. I just have to tween the rest of my movie and fix a few errors then I will be finished. I have worked all week on drawing the movie. It has took a while cause I have tried my best on it. It was easy to draw it because I drew it on the smart board. It was so much easier than drawing on Flash. I have tried my best on the movie.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Free Blog :D

Well today is Friday and we have a free blog day. I have had a long week, so I am going t blog about how my weekend is going to go. Well today I am going home with my friend Kaitlyn Kennedy because we have a youth rally at the Ark of Safety. I believe that the youth rally will go good. Her grandmother is fixing us some chicken and dumplings before we leave. Saturday I am going skating with my friend Santana cause it is her birthday. She invited a few friends like Meghan and Makayla. Sunday I am going to the circus with my friend and globaloria partner Lilli. We are going to Charleston to watch it. I haven't been to the circus since I was little so I can't wait. We are going to have a good time cause we are going shopping too. Well that is how my weekend is planned out. Thanks for reading my wonderful blog.

Friday, April 13, 2012

What Would Happen if we did Final Presentation Right Now? :-D

Well today is Friday so it is Blog Day. We are blogging about what would happen if we did our final presentation right now. If I did my final presentation right now I would be ready,b tu most kids wouldn't be. My game is done I have two levels, but Im thinking about adding another level I just don't know what to do it on. I have been through so much in th last week with redoing my game that it has been crazy. I have redone some of Level 1 and did the whole Level 2.  I have got it all together all I have to do is add another Level if I feel like it. I can't wait to get my game done, but I don't wanna leave Globaloria.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break :-|

Well it is Thursday and we are blogging. During spring break I am going to the beach with my BestFriend Lillian Juatice. We are going to swim and shop. I haven't been to the beach in 2 years, but I have been before. When I go to the beach I am going to buy a turtle and some clothes. I am going to lay in the sun and get a tan. I am going to have a great week with my Lillian Paige. We will have a great time.We haven't tanned so we will tan while we are there. We are going to ride a Banana Boat and Parsheling. I will get tan and then I won't have to lay in the tanning bed. I have a lot to do this week and 2 weekends that we are off. I am very excited to leave, but I know I will miss my mom and dad. I'm glad I'm getting away from my brother.